成立于1891年, 国外博彩app is a Jesuit Catholic university located on a beautiful campus of more than 50 acres in the dynamic heart of 西雅图. Our diverse and driven population is made up of more than 7,200 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs within our schools and colleges.
下面, are the resources you need to easily access the information you are seeking 国外博彩app our institution. If you would like to talk to our team, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you.
Are we successfully carrying out the 国外博彩app educational mission? Faculty and staff in degree and certificate programs across the university systematically assess student learning in order to answer this question. Find out more 国外博彩app our Jesuit approach to educating and assessing student learning that emphasizes continual reflection, 洞察力, 和审查.
Find out more 国外博彩app how 西雅图 U is demonstrating leadership in sustainable practices and environmental justice.
西雅图 U in the Top 10 Universities
in the Western United States
for the 18th consecutive year
– U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道